
We invite you to submit abstracts to the 4th International  Conference of Public Policy (ICPP4), which will be held June 26th-28th, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, in the panel T10P02 – Subnational and Metropolitan Governance in the World: Innovations and Perspectives.

The Abstratcts should contain proposals that involve themes in the areas located between Metropolitan Governance, federalism, municipalism and urban management and urban governance. The ICPP4, is a congress from International Public Policy Association (IPPA). The link for the submission of papers in the panel is: 


Paper submission deadline is January 30, 2019.

We are counting on your collaboration and also on the dissemination of the panel to other colleagues that you believe may be interest.

Chair: Antonio Sergio Fernandes (Federal University of Bahia – E-mail: )
Second Chair: Denilson Bandeira Coêlho (University of Brasilia – E-mail: )
Third ChairSuely Araújo (University of Brasilia – E-mail: )